Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Comments Please!

Based on the feedback I've received to date it appears that July 18, 2009 in Lincoln, NE is the most feasible for the most people. If that excludes you or causes undue hardship, please comment.

The above map puts Steve and Shirley's stars in Lincoln to reflect their preference to visit in-laws / friends in the area. The poll results are a little skewed by some (myself included) people's preference to turn this into a nice vacation to the beautiful state of Colorado. My current thinking is to focus on getting as many people together as possible and save the vacation for a separate date. This is certainly open to discussion.

If you need help in the form of plane tickets or a place to stay, let us know. We'll pass the hat among the local people who are advantaged by the location and see what we can come up with.

Also, if you want to fly into Omaha to save money on flights vs Lincoln I can serve as the local limo service to get you to your preferred destination.

Any ideas on specific venues for getting together would be appreciated.

In case we can't come to a consensus it will be settled in the following manner...

Rock, Paper, Scissors